Scratch Art Project

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Scratch Art Comments

Scratch Art Similarities and differences
A similarity between the frog and the owl is that there shading the same. Another similar thing is that there all drawn in pencil, and the third similar thing between the frog and the rabbit is that there lines are very similar. 3 differences are that the frog and the rabbit are made of lines, while the owl is is more dotty. Another difference is that the rabbit is the lightest out of the frog and owl. Lastly, The owl has a night time back round while the others just have pitch black back rounds.
Similarities and Differences Scratch Art
I like the frog because the detail makes it look slimy. Some similarities are they use a lot of hatching techniques. The details make them look very realistic as well. Some differences are that the frog looks slimy, the owl's feathers look real, and the bunny looks very furry. The owl also has a lot of detail. The rabbit has the most foreground too.
the difference and similarity
the difference of the 3 peice of art is that they do not use the same thickness in the pen drawing, they have different points of vie, and the one that has the most texture is the frog because it has a textured frog the similarity of them is that they all are animals, they have many textures in the scratch art, and they all have in common is that they all have a lot of line. my favorite is the owl because of how the owls face is pointed away and it makes it look more realistic then the rest
Comparing and Contrasting
There are some similarities in the three images, like how they all mimic shading with different amounts of white strokes, which also creates a more 3-D look. Some difference is that some images have a background, like the one with the frog, which is on what I presume     
is bamboo.
i think the differences are they are all laid out different, the textures are different. the owl you can see the sky and the and the stars. i like the owl because it looks realistic and it has good texture that makes it look real
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