Op Art

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Op Art Comments

OP Art
The OP Art was very cool, but it was very hard for me since I put in a lot of effort. Don't get me wrong it was really cool in the end. It just had a lot of colors, blending, and shading. You had to put the color on and then use a colorless blender for each individual line which took a long time.  After you did a complete line you would have to outline it in black and then shade it. It was hard since I had 6 lines.
self portrait
Self portrait was my favorite  because. I had the most fun doing it. I also found a lot of interest into this  project. It was also fun doing it with people around. that's why this was my favorite project.
The op art project was okay, I didn't know how to shade right, and drawing the lines were very confusing, also I didn't know how to color it properly.
OP Art
This was my least favorite project because it took me way longer than anticipated. If I had to change what we do I would first change it would be to make fewer lines and make them larger. The second would be to use more colors to make it pop more than it did. The last change I would let us have more time on it. To conclude op art was not my favorite art project.
OP Art
This is my second favorite project but it took way too long and I never had time to finish it. I learned how to shade different colors. I also learned how to make my project look like an optical illusion. I also learned how to trick the eye.