Op Art Project

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Step by Step Guide

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Step 1: use a #2 Pencil to draw 5 or more vertical lines

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Step 2: draw a simple wave across the middle

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Step 3: use a thin sharpie and draw upward curves above the middle wave.

Then draw downward curves below the middle wave.

The next curves will start from the previous line and make sure to alter the distance between the curves.

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Step 4: complete the entire section

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Step 5: complete the entire design and make sure to erase the middle wave.

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Step 6: color each section gradating the color from dark to light to dark.

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Step 7: use analogous colors and apply the same gradation pattern

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Step 8: add another analogous color or repeat the first one.

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Step 9: use different colors for the next section.

This is how you color in each individual section.

Shade lightly the entire shape with a color of your choice.

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Step 10: shade full strength by pressing harder, but make sure to leave the middle area untouched when doing this.

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Step 11: use white pencil to blend the middle part and add the appropriate highlight

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Step 12: use black or a darker color to blend the sides of each shape.